Statistical and Time Series Analysis on Credit Growth of Commercial Banks 商业银行新增信贷的统计与时间序列模型研究
Statistical data analysis, time series analysis, and error estimation will be discussed in the context of each lab. 每次课堂间亦讨论统计资料分析、时序分析与误差估计。
Mutual information ( MI) analysis is a general method to detect linear and nonlinear statistical dependencies between time series. 交互信息是一种检测系统之间相依性的方法,它可以同时检测线性和非线性相关。
Network Anomaly Detection Based on Statistical Approach and Time Series Analysis 基于统计和时序分析的网络异常检测
Statistical analyses on the long series of water surface evaporation data of multi stations in Poyang Lake indicate that the water surface evaporation capacity is gradually decreasing in the latest 40 years. 通过对鄱阳湖区多站点、长序列水面蒸发资料的统计与分析,指出近40年来水面蒸发量呈逐渐递减的趋势;
New formulas to calculate statistical parameters of correlation extending series 相关展延系列统计参数计算新公式
And lay special emphasis on type A evaluation of uncertainty of dynamic measurement by the statistical analysis of a series of observations. 着重概述对动态测量数据作统计分析的不确定度A类评定方法。
Through statistical identification of data series during the course of unit running, capability of fault identification is accumulated gradually to set up an effective fault diagnosis system. 通过对机组运行过程数据序列的统计辨识,逐步积累识别故障能力,建立有效的故障诊断体系。
A weighted method of customer's time series is proposed and statistical features of time series are adopted for customer clustering, which make each group of customers have similar sequence feature. 提出了客户时间序列的加权处理方法,并应用客户时间序列的统计特征作为聚类特征向量,采用混合式遗传算法对客户聚类,使每一类客户具有相似的时序特征。
By randomly selecting and combining these sequences according to statistical probability, a series of driving cycles are constructed. 根据统计分析的概率随机选择并重组实际运动学片段,构造了一系列行驶工况。
On the basis of this, this paper tries to give strict mathematical or statistical definitions and prove a series of estimating fomulas for reliability coefficient, especially, provide a calculating method for variance, analysis of reliability, as viewed from variation source. 本文试图基于这些叙述性的定义给出严格的数学或统计学上的定义,并对信度系数的一系列估计公式给予证明,尤其还从变异源的角度给出信度的方差分析计算法。
A Revised Method to Measure Statistical Dependence Between Two Time Series 时间序列间统计依赖性测量的一种改进方法
This paper describes the parameter that balance the performance of an algorithm, and then talks about the advanced algorithm including the comparative, statistical, time series and smoothing/ filtering, traffic model and theoretical, and some advanced incident detection techniques, etc. 本文首先提出了度量一种算法优劣的度量基准,紧接着介绍了包括比较法、统计法、时间序列和修正算法,交通和理论模型以及先进的事故探测技术等在内的一系列先进算法。
On the basis of this, the multi-stage statistical inverse-wavelet series are extracted by well-constrained impedance inversion. 在此基础上,通过井约束波阻抗反演提取了多级统计地震反子波序列;
In this paper, I not only introduce the fundamental theory and technologies of data warehouse and OLAP but also do some research on pattern recognition based on statistical theory and time series pattern and its application of predictive model algorithm. 本文主要探讨了数据仓库和OLAP技术的基本理论和实施方法,并探索了基于统计决策的模式识别理论及时间序列预测算法。模型的适用范围。
Using the number of patients with cervical metastatic cancer that visited our hospital as the statistical base in our series, the percentage of patients with unidentified primary foci was 41.84%. 原发灶不明颈转移癌的发病率,本组用因颈转移灶就诊的患者为基数统计,占41.8%。
Quantile Regression and Its Applications in Statistical Analysis of the Log-return Series of the Stock Prices and VaR Type Modelling Quantile回归及其在金融收益率分析和VaR类风险管理模型中的运用
However, this paper pointed out that there are intrinsic differences between the two statistical fields of the time series of original observations fields. 经研究得出,原观测场时间序列的这两个统计场间存在本质差异。
Verification with recent statistical value from same layer series of development; 利用同一开发层系(层位)近期统计值验证;
But the stock market is a complex nonlinear system, The traditional methods of statistical analysis and time series prediction is difficult to accurately reflect the characteristics of the stock market. The neural network and support vector machines and other intelligence methods usually require more sample data. 然而股票市场是一个复杂的非线性系统,利用传统的统计分析方法和时间序列预测技术很难准确的反映股票市场的特点,而神经网络和支持向量机等智能方法通常需要较多的样本数据。
The former based on the input variables and the causal relationship between output variables require variables to meet certain statistical assumptions; time series based on the inertia of the latter deduction, you must really know, or assume that the sequence variation. 前者基于输入变量和输出变量之间的因果关系,要求变量满足某些特定的统计假设;后者基于时间序列的惯性推演,必须确知或假定序列的变化规律。
Finally this paper applies catastrophe theory into statistical arbitrage. What catastrophe theory means is that there exists a change point, and the statistical character of time series before and after the point is different. 本文最后将突变理论引进到统计套利中,突变理论是指在某个节点的前后时间序列的统计特征发生了变化。
The simulation of runoff series can keep up very well with the statistical characteristics of original series. ( 2) The paper presented the concept, theory and calculation method of risk analysis, stressing on the risk of supply. 模拟的径流序列,都能很好的保持原序列的统计特征。(2)阐述了风险分析的概念、理论和计算方法,着重分析了供水风险。
Since the 1980s, in order to adapt to the economic development and reform and opening to the statistical system a series of reform and gradually improve in the planned economy of the statistical system. 二十世纪80年代以来,为了适应经济发展和改革开放的需要,我国统计制度进行了一系列改革,逐步改进了在计划经济体制下形成的统计体系。
Common forecasting method of travel demand is based on the mathematical model: statistical time series prediction method and causal model prediction. 旅游市场需求预测常见的方法有:时间序列预测法和因果模型预测法。
The article focuses on the sum of the calendar year real estate sales price index data for statistical analysis using time series of real estate sales price index autoregressive integrated moving average time to model and predict. 文章重点是通过对我国历年房地产销售价格指数数据进行统计分析,利用时间序列建立我国房地产销售价格指数的求和自回归移动平均时间模型,并进行预测。
Telecommunications services over the traditional forecasting models for statistical regression model and time series model. 电信业务的传统预测模型多为统计回归模型和时间序列模型。
According to the gradual property of hydraulic components faults over batches, a fault prediction method is developed based on multivariate statistical technique and time series analysis. 针对一些液压元件故障具有批次间渐变的特点,提出了基于多元统计技术及时间序列的故障预测方法。